Unlocking Success Through Inner Knowing and Aligned Action

Gurus don’t know you personally. They don’t know exactly how you operate, what lights your soul on fire, or what gives you life versus drains you. 

They never have and never will – all the reading, searching, and listening to podcasts won’t give you the answers to that inner pull- that whisper inside.

Instead – it’ll make you feel stuck and frustrated!

Then, you’ll feel sad because the inner “pull” is still there, BUT you’ll be unsure what to do about it.

If you’ve ever felt a deep-seated desire for something more but struggled to make it happen, you’ll know exactly what I’m saying here.

This is what I like to call your “inner knowing,” it’s a powerful force that can guide you toward true success and fulfillment or drive you nuts. 

Personally, it drove me nuts for years.

I constantly felt this pull! But….I just didn’t know what to do about it!

I’d try something, then it would seem it wasn’t the right thing for me …and I’d go through this cycle over and over again.

I’d start by hearing it, then get it to go away or get quiet when I started something new and exciting because a new job, hobby, relationship, or place to live was an easy distraction. 

But after a few months, the newness would wear off, and I’d find myself right back in the same place – feeling like I was not fulfilling my life’s purpose. 

I was just so desperate to do something meaningful, and I kept finding myself in roles that didn’t quite hit the mark, and I’d yet again come up short.

Then, it happened.

I hit a rock bottom.

I was forced to turn inward rather than outward to find the trueness of my inner self and what my soul wanted. 

My rock bottom was dark – and it was the first time I thought I did not want to live.

It was a long road leading up to that moment, but when it hit – I could not ignore it. 

Basically, I ended up having panic attacks and acute anxiety that would not go away. I could not drive. Without panicking, I could not go out and enjoy a meal or do any of life’s everyday activities. 

It was so scary and dark – I could no longer ignore myself. 

This is why I want to have this conversation openly. I hope I can share what I know now and show you how to really listen and how to connect with yourself so you can start fulfilling why you’re here and stop feeling so lost and stuck.

And most importantly, stop the cyclical listening and coming up short like I did

So, let’s get into it!

The Power of Inner Knowing

Your inner knowing is that gut feeling, that intuitive nudge that tells you there’s something more for you in life. External pressures or societal expectations can not and should not influence it – it’s a pure reflection of your deepest desires and potential. And it’s to be listened to!

Unfortunately, external factors drive our decisions in life. We’re not taught how to engage with our inner knowing.

Instead, we listen to our parents, schools, and social media, and then we wake up unsatisfied, sad and scared that we’ll never be who we want to be.

Rock bottoms can force us to stop reaching for the outside world and turn inward—like I did!

And I want to share what I learned through this process in hopes it helps you (and helps you avoid rock bottom).

This concept is a simple equation:

Inner Knowing + Aligned Action = Success

However, though this is simple – it’s sometimes hard to practice. Most people fall into three categories that either help us get close to ourselves and our greater purpose or fall short and keep us stuck and frustrated!

Here they are:

1. Feeling the Pull But Not Taking Action

If you’re in this category, you feel the tug of your inner knowing but quickly dismiss it or talk yourself out of taking action. 

You might think, “There’s no way I could chase this dream; I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills.”

“I can’t go there; I have responsibilities like my kids.”

“If everyone sought their desires and purposes, we wouldn’t be able to function as a society.”

“I went to school for 6+ years; I can’t just give up this education and pursue something else.”

“My parents will be so upset if I don’t become a doctor.”

This and much much more…

The solution? Start small.

Action Step:  Take one tiny, manageable step towards that inner “rumbling.” This could be as simple as eating one vegetable a day if you’re aiming for better health or taking a five-minute walk during your lunch break. The key is to make the action so small that your brain doesn’t freak out and shut it down.

Also, this helps YOU not feel like you’re burning down your whole life in exchange for a different one. 

Remember, your brain craves predictability. Introducing small changes lets you slowly acclimate your mind to new patterns without triggering its resistance mechanisms.

2. Taking Action But Stuck in the Messy Middle

You’ve started taking action but are still determining your goals or how to feel aligned with your purpose. Or you are progressing in some areas of your life while others lag.

Action Step: Seek guidance. This could be a coach, mentor, or even free resources like YouTube videos or podcasts. Don’t let financial constraints hold you back—if you’re creative, there are always affordable or accessible options.

For example, if you are on a path to better health but can’t afford a personal trainer – group training or classes are a cost-effective way to get professional guidance and support. Sometimes, you can use HSA to pay for these memberships and/or group sessions.

The key is to find someone or something who can help you navigate the “messy middle” so you don’t get frustrated and give up.

I’ve seen the same practitioner for five years now—he’s a life coach and an acupuncturist. I would be lost without his guidance and help to navigate my messy middle, especially after the rock bottom moment. Don’t wait for the rock bottom!

3. Successful But Seeking More

You’re already successful by most standards, but you still feel a pull toward something more. Be careful here—make sure this desire is coming from your true inner knowing and not just your ego.

Action Step: Create space for silence and boredom. In our hyper-connected world, we rarely give our minds time to wander. Try sitting in silence for just 10 minutes a day, with no distractions. This allows your brain to move past boredom and into a receptive state where new ideas and insights can emerge – which can take you and your purpose to an entirely different level!

You’re at a stage where you can start feeling like everything you do day in and day out is truly who you are and what you want. This is sort of the gold standard or the highest place, and having silence helps bring in more and more guidance than any human could give you. 

The Path to True Success

I’ve learned that success isn’t about following someone else’s blueprint or forcing yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit. It’s about tuning into your inner knowing, taking aligned action, and being patient with the process. And it’s critical to listen to that inner voice pulling you toward something else!

Whether you’re just starting out, stuck in the middle, or looking to level up, the key is to keep listening to that inner voice and taking steps—no matter how small—in the direction it’s guiding you.

By fostering this connection with your inner knowing and coupling it with aligned action, you’re setting yourself up for a life of true success and fulfillment. So, what’s your inner knowing telling you today? And what small step can you take to honor it?

Ready to take the next step? Join the waitlist for my Success On Purpose Mastermind!

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